Take a trip to the Albert Einstein Memorial in Washington, D.C., and explore the life and work of this legendary scientist. See an impressive bronze statue of him and find out more about his discoveries that changed our understanding of physics and the world around us.

Find out more about Albert Einstein's life and importance
The Albert Einstein Memorial is a great way to get to know more about Einstein and the many incredible contributions he made to science and the world. Learn why he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, his influential theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, his views on nuclear technology, as well as the scientific and social impact of his work. Take time to explore this memorial and provide insight into a legend whose name became synonymous with genius.
Unveiling of the Memorial
On April 22, 1979, in the presence of thousands of guests, including many dignitaries and members of the U.S. Congress, President Jimmy Carter initiated the unveiling ceremony at the Albert Einstein Memorial. After a few brief speeches praising Professor Einstein’s work and legacy, President Carter pulled back the ceremonial samite cloth to officially reveal this lasting tribute seen by millions of people from around the globe over the years.
Sculpture and Inscriptions Details
The bronze statue of Einstein at the memorial measures more than eight feet tall and was designed by sculptor Robert Berks. Einstein is sitting on a large stone plinth in a contemplative pose, with papers and a compass in hand. On the sides of the sculpture are inscriptions in both English and German which feature some of his famous quotes, such as "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle". Close to the base of the statue is an inscription manifesting his most influential theory, describing space-time curvature caused by mass-energy equivalence. The memorial is surrounded by a beautiful garden and features inscriptions of some of Einstein's famous quotes and equations. It's a great spot to take a break and reflect on the contributions Einstein made to science and humanity.
Plan A Visit
The Einstein Memorial is located on the National Academy of Sciences grounds and is open to the public 24/7. It's a popular spot for tourists and locals alike and makes for a great backdrop for photos. If you're a science enthusiast, the Einstein Memorial is a must-visit destination. It's a great reminder of the impact Einstein had on our understanding of the world and serves as a tribute to his legacy.